
Monday, October 31, 2011

One shoe for uncle

Uncle once bought a shoe

A shoe he bought it is true

Not a pair of shoes, a shoe

Does it make sense to you

You still don’t get my clue

Why he bought just a shoe

Still don’t know so you beg

That uncle had just one leg

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Her Moves Arrest Grooves

Her shakes and dancing moves

Did Sunday arrest your grooves

Her moves and dancing shakes

On Monday slowed your brakes

But Tuesday through the week

She made you quake and shriek

This dancing queen has charms

So your quiet heart she warms

Saturday, October 29, 2011

All that gallops is not horse

When Nancy bought a horse

We thought it could be worse

Because when Nancy’s drunk

She swears she’d buy a skunk

Her friends without remorse

They wished to ride of course

But now the horse has shrunk

Nancy’s horse is really a skunk

Friday, October 28, 2011

Thoughts by the riverside

Here by the river I recline

Theories in my head align

Mental exercise so benign

I think, process, and refine

Existentialism with design

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crazy College Professor

I once knew a mad professor
One bespectacled oppressor
Buried my grades and fumed
And then had them exhumed

I tell you he lived his madness
He gave me grades in sadness
He said my grades had hones
Monsters like the devil's sons

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nature's Crystals

If you see any drops of dew

Think of crystals built anew

Silver crowns just on queue

You’re among the lucky few

If you see any drops of dew

Think of nature’s tiny crew

You’re lucky and that is true

Celebrate your life and you

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

She called me her king

True words you have spoken

Morning has finally broken

I'm mentally here beside you

I am your king indeed so true

Yes, those words  you echoed

Intoxicate me like tonic record

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pretty Poison

One beautiful funky nasty junkie

The prettiest brat in her sorority

With the ugliest mental insanity

But she was pretty and spunky

She captivated our male psyche

Seven men we lost to the junkie

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Her Tease and Jest

Does your heart sing in peace

When you sing for me a tease

Does it wish of pleasures grove

When I offer my pleasure trove

I ask you once and ask you twice

Tell me now and name your price

Does your heart just tease in jest

Then leave me so I may go to rest

Saturday, October 22, 2011


In every clime and season

Whether I am sad or risen

My heart’s still your prison

In prison for a good reason

Friday, October 21, 2011

Simple Miss Dimple

Dimple smile, that daylight smile

I’ve missed that smile for a while

Such smile that resurrects people

I’ve missed that smile and Dimple

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thou shall not rhyme

In the midst of sordid crimes

In these our dangerous times

You are forming ugly rhymes

With church religious chimes

With hope I write not in vain

As I write to you once again

I will go and never complain

If today you’ll please explain

Why please, my buddy why

Did your rhymes go so awry

Are you short of good supply

I’ll give you rhymes to apply

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

College Brain Damage

My cousin Nicole was in college

To get some type of knowledge

Her head was filled with garbage

Her brain was done great damage

Professors dumber than sausage

 Nicole’s mind they did disparage

The money in her bank did pillage

Forever ruined her life and image

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Shadows I fear no more

We’ve left the shadows and fear no more

No longer shall we fear like we did before

Shadows and darkness shall no more thrive

Now full of sunshine we will forever survive

Monday, October 17, 2011

Once a Wimp


He was a wimp in search of a boss

A boss to use him like dental floss

Met Maria, a young iron lady true

He was her puppet daily on queue

Maria is now moved on to another

And he moved in with her mother

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rise, You Are The Star

When you see the risen star

And you think that you're far

You’ll reach and never catch

The risen star that you search

But see the star as part of you

You’re the risen star you brew

You are one with the risen star

It is right there where you are

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Come Up The Tree With Me

Come and see the things I see

My vantage point is up a tree

I see on the tree a flea and bee

The stinging bee is free like me

The nasty flea is scared of birds

Birds hate fleas the last I heard

And so I watch one bird in flight

Enjoy the flea’s frightened sight

Beyond the trees lies the town

 The city birds fly up and down

I’ve risen up where nature lives

Now full of joy that nature gives

Friday, October 14, 2011

Anglophone with a Saxophone

We found her in a tea-party zone

An English girl with a saxophone

She waxed it like the Anglophone

We loved her music plus her tone

I saw that she came there all alone

So I moved quite slowly like a drone

To ask for the number of her phone

And she hit me with her saxophone

Such delicate singer broke my bone

In so much pain do I hug my throne

With hindsight I should have known

To avoid the Anglo with a saxophone

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fear not the rains

Are you still afraid of stormy rain

Does rain still drench you in pain

Why do I need another rain poem

To wrest you from phobia’s dome

This rain to which I constantly run

Is the master of all the wars I won

It soothes, comforts, and pacifies

Stormy rain frayed nerves rectifies

My pensive friend, you worry a lot

I know the storms you have fought

But when rainfall storms in your life

Smile, for rain pacifies painful strife    

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cry, Sister, Cry

If indeed April dispenses showers
And if such showers raise flowers
Why are you still stingy with tears
Cry, let the tears raise April cheers

If tears in calamities often appear
And pains of calamities disappear
Why then do you not wail and cry
Cry, tears of pains will you pacify

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

She loves you

You think she was inept

But as you lay and slept

Every promise she kept

When you left she wept

Monday, October 10, 2011

No Regrets

Never think in vain I trusted in you

I’ve been that road with quite a few

I’ll never regret the trust you breach

I learn from it and that’s what I teach

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wake up, don't frown

I will seek to lift you up by my action
Not by fairytales but by apt attention
I will try again when the sun is down
Perhaps then I will not see you frown

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Gender Bender

Indian girl from Costa Rica

Daughter of an undertaker

Saw a corpse

Blew her tops

She's now a man in Jamaica

Friday, October 7, 2011

Avoid me before I spoil you

My one and only trusted friend

I want to tell you my new trend

Your plans to visit me suspend

This friendship may sorely end

If you come to my house, friend

That money you need I will lend

Your mother’s issues I will mend

And your sister’s rent I will send

Stay away please before I spend

Avoid my gifts, friends to an end

Avoid my house, my lavish trend

It will spoil you, so don’t pretend

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The crook who took

One day a cook took a crook
Out to fish in a country brook

Found some money in a book

Money was the bait on a hook

Cook died, crook money took

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Tonight I’ve lost my grip

Steep in sleep like sheep

I can’t compose

Not even prose  

Excuse me while I sleep

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Michelle in Jail

I knew one fine Michelle

So sweet like ginger ale

She was so nice

But lived on ice

And now she’s gone to jail

Monday, October 3, 2011

Looking for a Poet

A stranger’s face was draped in a veil

With poems she did my friends regale

I have often recalled the veil colorful

But an unseen face eerie and frightful   

We never once saw behind the shroud

But her love poems did make us proud  

Her final poem had no end and so I ask

Help me find the face behind the mask

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Love your debtor, Ignore your creditor

If your friend owes you a debt

He’s the one you must protect

He has your money that is why

You should not ever let him die

If you owe your friend a debt

Just ignore him and his threat

He’ll not harm you, you’ll live

‘Cause if you die he will grieve

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Time heals all wounds

When in pain or bondage throes

And our world is filled with woes

If all shapes and types of sorrows

Invade our nows and tomorrows

Here is medicine you should know

With Doctor Time our pains will go