Crunchy fibrous coconut We ate it in a humble hut Sometimes milky coconut Drank the water quite a lot Puzzled how the liquid got Inside coconut we bought I put the query to my aunt She said “ask question not” Aunt who didn’t know a lot Gave my query an uppercut She told me off on the spot "It wasn't me so ask me not"
Near thirty-seven hundred block She rapped where the ships dock Held us captive around the clock With fancy words that really rock Lyrical sugar arrestingly creative Offered in rhymed lofty narrative Calmly rhyming just in every class Rap queen for you I raise my glass
All winter love helped you sow In the spring that love did grow A true love now blossoms forth All day long love leaves you not Your true love will not dissolve Rest assured you're lucky in love
New gangsters shortchanged me Stole my change, fled with glee Old gangsters offered to avenge To nab the thieves of my change Thrilled by old gangsters’ device I took their offer and paid a price To make this short I’ll be precise I was taken to the cleaners twice