
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Knowkedge is King

Einstein said imagination was more important than knowledge
But dangling such intellectual bit of lofty smoke
Is like postulating that a baker’s fancy strokes
Overtake in importance the baker’s final thread
Like subordinating the bread to a desire for bread

It is true imagination travels the universe and time
But knowledge is here and now useful in its prime
Knowledge is the reward for wayward imagination
Imagination cannot trump knowledge or education

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sunshine is coming

Allow the recesses of your soul
Serenity and equanimity control
Such mental nourishment follow
The bright sunshine of tomorrow

Friday, July 29, 2011


He shed his lousy life of strife
The day he found and wed his wife
And now he doesn’t want a boy
He’s scared a boy will shed his joy

Thursday, July 28, 2011

His heart is broken

These ups and downs of my heart
This heart that you’ve taken apart
When it stops beating stop the act
Accept these flowers, it will restart

I depart on a trip to the boulevard
Of broken dreams and one diehard
No dreamers or romantic scorecard
If I ever recover I’ll send a postcard

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Clap for the romantic man

If a man gestures, offers, and pleads
If he goes down his figurative knees
If he issues poems worthy of degrees
Clap for him and his romantic deeds

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Those sweet nothings

Offers of  sweetest of sweet nothings
Coated with fanciful sugary trappings
Tempt open hearts with good tidings
Life is full of such romantic cunnings

Monday, July 25, 2011

A French Couple Dance

When I was in France
In twilight of the night
I saw this couple dance
I backed away in fright

I tell you it wasn’t right
To see the couple prance
I took just a little glance
And ran away with fright

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Rainfall on iron roof

The steady drumming on the iron roof
Music, resonating better than laughter  
Oh soothing, self-authenticating proof
Of rainfall as the medicinal comforter

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Growing Penny

Just as I stepped out of the store
I found a tiny penny on the floor
I vowed its dignity I would restore
Today it is a grown dollar to adore

Friday, July 22, 2011

City madness

Quartered in high-rise office suites
Learned colleagues litigating suits
Such chaotic madness and pursuits
So mad you lose your valued roots

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Money lenders have ruined my cousin

Cousin Moneynia likes money
She borrows but never repays
I said: Moneynia you are funny
You will never mend your ways
She said: how can I ever worry
My ways need no mending rays
Let the lenders mend their ways

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Oh perfect princess of the style of days long gone
As you relax on your elevated and golden throne
Grant me this one request, infinitely laudable one
My request is modest and I know it is not wrong:
Would you get off the throne and sing me a song
Yes, princess, and I, your prince, will sing along
Come, let us sing as one ‘to each other we belong’

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lazy hands

You wait all day and wring your hands
Wishing daily for spiritual magic wands
We work and toil all day for sustenance
And for idle wringing hands’ maintenance

Has my critique offended you idle hands
Are you incensed that I now call you out
Rejoice and exit that union of lazy bands
Rise, for idle hands find an empty mouth

Monday, July 18, 2011


Shall we not rejoice now with the poet and the trumpeter
Why do you hesitate to celebrate our glorious sight
Are we not abundantly blessed with artistic insight
Do you not see that you are the poet, and I, the trumpeter

Sunday, July 17, 2011

His head is her pillow

He vowed he’d be her hero
And worked for her to please
She gently massaged his ego
And worked for marital bliss

So when he became her hero
She made his head her pillow

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The way you make her feel

Ah, she is alive in the presence of you
Her spirit is uplifted, hope ignited anew
Cool breeze and drops of morning dew
Ah, what a gem in the presence of you

Friday, July 15, 2011


If you were the only person I ever knew
Would you still walk away from me so
Ignore my presence many times in a row
Imagine you were the only person I knew

If I were the only person you ever knew
I would walk with you daily toe to toe
I would seek your presence as I walk so
If I were the only person you ever knew

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rise, morning has broken

See, it is past the midnight hour
Daylight strengthens our power
Darkness is gone with our fear
The road to the future is clear
Yes, indeed, nature has spoken
Rise now, morning has broken

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Moments of Inspiration

Inspiration sneaks in like a thief
Like a thief it is quick and brief
Arrest it just as you would a thief
 But spare it the moment of grief

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Grandpa's shoes

Grandpa’s shoes were big for me
I prayed for months behind a tree
A big large tree where I was free
I prayed the shoes to shrink for me

My age then was three or four
I was praying and hurt my toe
Wise grandpa said he was sure
My hurt toe would surely grow

Now the shoes are just my size
Though out of style in my eyes
Now I walk in grandpa’s shoes
I wish grandpa would rise again

Monday, July 11, 2011

Faithful Friend

I shall have faith in you down or risen
Faith is belief with or without reason
In good times, in freedom or in prison
Faith shall not change like the seasons

Sunday, July 10, 2011

That mystery that unites us

That unknown essence of human existence
Which you seek with religious persistence
Is the unknown that unites our co-existence
For I, too, seek it with passionate insistence

Saturday, July 9, 2011


If peace has found a friend in you
Give her a home a friendship true
Without peace other friends will go
When you find peace they will show

Friday, July 8, 2011

What the broke toad said

I am oh so broke and that is why I croak
When I croak no one knows I'm broke
They say "he is croaking just like a toad"
I am so broke that one day I will explode

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Still on those heels

A college-dropout went on heels
Up and down she climbed the hills
In heels and hills she found no thrills
And back to school she went for skills

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Those high heels

How high do you get on those heels
Do they intoxicate like cheap thrills
Make you float like eagles on the hills
Are they to you medicine that heals
Or are they just for the way he feels

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Life is Wealth

Let us pledge, you and me
That when in the morning, in perfect health
We can talk and hear and see
We shall rejoice that we have wealth

Monday, July 4, 2011

Wedding Eyes

She smiled at him as he marched in the band
Then she feigned that in her eyes were sand
He knew the trick and rushed to her eyes
Today their wedding band has tears in their eyes

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mother's Kitchen

Far from intellectual reasoning
Away from the teacher's teaching
The sweet aroma from the kitchen
Brought us home in the evenings

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Attempted robbery

I closed my eyes when she promised a surprise
So long ago, at a college where she worn a prize
With my eyes shut tight she almost stole my heart
College was long ago but I learned to be smart
Now I keep my heart at home, oh yes I'm smart

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chuckle Bicycle

That ride is so fine, that automobile
I would buy one too if I had no bills
This my rickety bike, this my bicycle
Is oh so bad it makes people chuckle